Top quality wines “Andrija” were 22 meters below sea level for one year

Drawing 2400 bottles of wine from the sea to the mill in Ika started a three-day event Wine and hot. The top quality wines of seven winemakers, from Ilok through Zagorje and the river surrounding to Herzegovina, were set in the shade – the source of fresh water 22 meters under the sea for a full year.

Who floats in Ikhi knows that the sea is a little cooler than elsewhere. The cold cool water from Učka, which runs out in front of the iced mullet, also favored wines. For the past year, the top quality wines from the wineries Miklaužić, Petrač, Andrija, Prelac, Kabola, Plovanić and Iločke basements have tasted in one of the many springs, 22 meters deep.

The flow of water is good because of them because, explains sommelier Krešimir Mikinac from the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Catering in Ika, it is not where the wine is placed in wine. This ‘sea’ wine from Ike has more flavor of nuts, honey and the like.

The drainage of metal cage with basses, involving divers – opatija professional and volunteer firefighters, was followed by our director Miroslav Ćorić with impatience. It is pleasantly surprised by the result: our waist is lighter than those of the basement, but has a stronger aroma.

This new form of tourist offer came from the president of Ikarski barkajoli association Vjekoslav Zahej. In conversation with people, he realized that he needed something new, different from the usual fishermen’s party. And so a mixture of wine, sea, traditional barriers …

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